Olive oil is considered one of the essential foods in the Mediterranean diet. Its flavour, its history and its benefits for the organism have made it a fundamental part of our diet. There's nothing more special than toast  with exceptional olive oil virgin and even more so if it is an early harvest virgin. Olive oil not only goes well with most of our dishes, but also brings numerous benefits to our organism.

Vitamins in olive oils

Virgin olive oils are rich in vitamin E, a compound that has a great antioxidant effect. It belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, that we  help to delay ageing.

Vitamin E is paramount for the perfect operation of the various areas of our body, from the nervous system to themusculatureor the important cardiovascular system. This vitamin prevents the oxidation of fats and proteins, so it acts as a perfect complement to other foods.

It also neutralises free radicals, strengthening our cells; it stimulates calcium absorption and controls bad cholesterol, known as LDL.

Benefits of olive oil 

Vitamin E is one of the compounds essential in virgin and extra virgin olive oil, although it is not the only one. Oliveoil's polyphenols, compounds with antioxidant effects, help protect the body and its fatty acids from oxidation, preventing the formation of atheroma plaques in the blood vessels.

However, the most important compound in olive oil is oleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol. In fact, it has been shown that replacing saturated fats in our diet with monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid helps to lower blood cholesterol.

Thanks to its components, olive oil brings numerous benefits to our organism, as it acts through different areas.

The vitamins in olive oil  make up a healthy diet which is absolutely necessary in our day to day life to be in top shape and to enjoy life.

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