The quality of olive oils, on the one hand, has its origin in the 

Chemical analysis.
Certain parameters are obtained (acidity, peroxide index, K270...) which determine the type of oil.

  • Organoleptic tasting. Specialised tasters assess the sensory parameters of the oils and verify that there are no organoleptic defects. The EC Regulation 1019/2002 of the European Union indicates that we can find the following types:

Extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is the highest quality oil. It is produced exclusively by mechanical processes and does not exceed 0.8% acidity. This parameter does not refer to the taste, but to the amount of free acids found in the oil.

The olives are harvested at the optimum moment of ripeness, very little time elapses between harvesting and processing in oil mills and the extraction process is carried out cold, at a temperature of between 16 and 18 degrees. Extra virgin olive oil is high in oleic acid, polyphenols and monounsaturated fats.

For its part, extra virgin olive oil can be monovarietal (if it is made from a single variety of olive, such as picual, the most powerful of the different varieties) or coupage (if different varieties are combined).

Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Early Harvest extra virgin olive oils are those obtained when the fruit is beginning to ripen, between October and November.

Early harvest extra virgin olive oil is characterised by its intense green colour and its notes of smell and taste. This oil has a high content of chlorophyll (which intensifies its colour) as well as polyphenols (which are responsible for health benefits in the form of antioxidants, enhancing the possibility of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Lampante olive oil
Lampante olive oil is the juice of olives of the worst quality. It is normally made from the last fruit of the season, harvested directly from the ground or in the middle of the fermentation process. It is also known as refined olive oil.

Lampante olive oil
Lampante olive oil is the juice of olives of the worst quality. It is normally made from the last fruit of the season, harvested directly from the ground or in the middle of the fermentation process. It is also known as refined olive oil. They usually have an acidity of more than 2% and multiple sensory defects, making them unfit for human consumption. They are called lampante because in ancient times they were used for lamps.

Olive oil without labels
Olive oil, without labels, is a mixture of virgin olive oils and oils refined by chemical processes. Moreover, as they are chemically modified, all the defects of refined olive oil disappear, as well as the natural qualities of the olive juice.
Unfortunately, it is the most commonly sold in supermarkets, and can be found in both "mild" and "intense" classifications.

Pomace oil 
Pomace oil is an oil that mixes virgin olive oil with oil from the olive pomace, which is the solid residue of the fruit. It has a maximum acidity of 1.5% and is suitable for human consumption.
There are further classifications according to olive variety, type of cultivation, geographical origin, extraction process, etc.

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